Because Ghostrunners without the community just isn’t as fun.

Ghost Stories

Answer a question below, and we’ll pick our favorites to feature on the podcast!

Ask The Girls!

Have a question for Kathryn and Rachel? Ask it below!


Know of an exceptional ghostie? Brag about them below!

Voice Memos

Have a question? Great story? Fun game? Need advice? Submit a voice memo below!

Ghosties On A Couch

Need some advice from a couple of unlicensed therapists? Ask your question here and we’ll answer it on the podcast!

Facebook Group

Join the ghostie community on Facebook to participate in polls, ask questions, and get the latest updates on all things GRKC!

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Note: when reviewing, we prefer 5 stars. We’re quirky like that.

What people are saying

“Favorite podcast I’ve ever listened to. By far.”

— Michael Jordan, probably